Moonglow is known for its many mages and scholars. It is the location of the Lycaeum, the centre of research and magic in Britannia. It is also the location of the observatory.
We traveled by flying carpet. We landed on the northern end of the island by a locked house. There was a plaque out the front with a clue to how we may enter. The plaque, along with most signs in Britannia, are written in runic. The runes can be decoded into English using the following key:
Each single letter rune is also a "word of power" for casting spells. Each rune represents a particular characteristic. For example the rune "Bet" (the rune for the letter B) represents "small" or "minor". The run "Lor" represents "light". Spells are cast by joining words together - for example "Bet Lor" (small light) are the words of power for the Linear spell "Glimmer".
The clue in front of the locked house says "Hammer here to enter":
We decided to leave it for now. I know what is inside and we will need to come back here later. We traveled around the island meeting and talking to everyone:
- According to his clerk Balayna, Rankin (the Fellowship leader in Moonglow) has had some doubts about the organisation. He is rumoured to have said it teaches people to be sheep. When I confronted Rankin he gave me a vial of 'liqueur' to give to Balayna that she apparently ordered. When I gave her the liqueur she dropped dead... VERY SUBTLE RANKIN.
- Elizabeth and Abraham have of course already left. They were here training Rankin but have moved on to the gargoyle city of Terfin.

The visit to the observatory was interesting. Brion, the head of the observatory, told me about the Astronomical Alignment. This is when the planets and moons all line up perfectly, something that has not happened for 800 Britannian years. This must be the event the "guardian" (the red being) is waiting for. Brion gave me the use of his telescope which lets you look anywhere without needing to physically be there. He also offered to give me an orrery which is a small model of the Britannian solar system. He needs one more crystal, which I should obtain from someone in the tavern. By using a Telekinesis spell we were able to get into the building our back with the full sized orrery:
Brion also told me about Penumbra, a mage who put herself asleep 100 years ago. She is apparently sleeping in that locked house with the runed plaque I came across when I first arrived. I will come back to her once we have achieved an audience with the Time Lord.
We came across the Lycaeum next. Outside was a talking fox named Frank who was on a "quest for honesty". I think he was just using it as an excuse to insult me:
He gave plenty to Dupre, Iolo, and Shamino too. In the Lycaeum we found Brion's twin brother Nelson who heads up the Lycaeum. Nelson informed me that I was prophecised to be the one who will awaken Penumbra, and that I will need to place items before the plaque. We found my old companion Mariah at the Lycaeum. Like the other mages, she was mad. Not in an angry way, but a silly girlish way.
In the lower part of the island we found Addom who had a crystal for me. He is the husband of Penni who is one of the trainers near Iolo's house in Yew. And then, three farmers. This is the 'local crisis' of the town.
Tolemac has recently joined The Fellowship but his brother Cubolt is against it. Their brother Morz is caught between them. Cubolt asks me to convince Tolemac to leave The Fellowship and Morz not to join. I tried talking to Tolemac but it went down like a cup of hot sick and he won't speak to me again.
We took the crystal back to Brion and he provided us with an orrery viewer that we can use from anywhere:
Next up, we can travel to New Magincia to see Alagner, or to Terfin to chase Elizabeth and Abraham.
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