We flew straight to Dungeon Deceit. Right by the entrance was the Shrine of Honesty which was a pleasant surprise.
We entered the dungeon prepared for the worst. After running down a corridor with arrows whistling past as we came across two women - Amanda and Eiko on a quest to kill a cyclops named Iskander Ironheart who killed their father.
We found Ironheart outside and talked to him. He is apparently a cyclops hero. The cyclops talked about coming across the Tetrahedron Generator but being hit by waves of amnesia and waking up further away from it some time later. He talked about a longing to settle down and finish his life of adventuring - he seemed a very gentle and thoughtful being. And then his side of the Amanda and Eiko story came out. Kalideth was a mage himself and succumbed to the mages madness, attacking Ironheart unprovoked. So, his story is that he killed Kalideth in self defense.

We decided to leave him in peace and explored into the dungeon. We came across dragons, stone harpies, illusion walls, and magical traps which when sprung would trap some of our party behind energy fields. I would not have survived without my spell book.
As we came to a room sealed with magical locks The Guardian spoke again:
Do not go in, you will surely die!
Seems like a pretty good room to enter to me. Inside we found the Tetrahedron Generator:
As I approached the generator lighting pummeled my party so we quickly retreated. I took a glass sword from Shamino for good measure and then asked each member of my party to wait outside. I then slipped the ethereal ring on my finger and walked inside...
A hideous beast attacked me. In the past I have used a glass sword to dispatch this enormous enemy but this time I called upon Arcadion inside my Black Sword. He deemed this enemy worthy of his attention and slew him instantly before my eyes. With that I approached and touched the small prism in the centre of the generator, and it exploded. All that was left was a small tetrahedron shaped prism on the floor which I took:
Magic has now been restored to Britannia! I collected my companions and we walked out of the dungeon (I would have used a spell but the flying carpet was outside the entrance...)
Something new happened in the dungeon - I ran out of mana! I do not recall this ever happening before. I had to rely on Jaana to heal me after a gazer almost slew me.
We decided to visit some of the mages in Britannia to see how they had changed. We started with Penumbra. Because she had already been protected by the blackrock I placed around her, there was not much more to hear - although she thanked us for saving mages everywhere.
Wis-Sur in Vesper didn't have much more of interest to say either. It was a little disappointing - I just saved them from insanity, I was hoping for some stories of what it had been like.
We decided to take the flying carpet back to Britain for safekeeping.
Next time we will visit Nicodemus to get our hourglass enchanted, then return to the Sphere Generator to fix the moongates.
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